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141 results found in Businesses for charities
Silkworth Charity Group dedicated Family Programme helps addiction to be understood as an illness and enables living in the solution rather than existing with the problem. The more support and understanding family and friends receive...

6 Vauxhall Street, St. Helier, Jersey, JE2 4TJ

Leukaemia Research Jersey Branch

La Vieille Chapelle, St. Martin (GSY), Jersey, JE3 6DE

JEND is made up of a growing number of employers in the island who are commiteed to providing real jobs for the individuals witha disability.  These employers work in partnership with local support agencies and charities to maximise...

Ground Floor Burlington House, St Saviour's Road, St. Helier, JE2 4LA, JE2 4SU

Parkinsons Jersey provides information, friendship, and support for all those affected by Parkinson's. We organize events, social activities, group meetings and regular get-togethers to give everyone suffering from this disease an...

27 Cranham Court, La Rue des Chenes, St. Helier, Jersey, JE2 4RY

Brighter Futures works alongside the main carer to support child development, parent/carer-child relationships and family health and wellbeing to improve family and home environments and increase life chances and opportunities. We are a...

The Bridge, Le Geyt Road, St. Saviour (GSY), Jersey, JE2 7NT

Call us if you can give a home to a retired racing greyhound.   Member of the Association of Jersey Charities, Animal Shelter Affiliate & Jersey branch of the RGT.
Shopmobility is the only charity in Jersey that specializes in renting powered scooters. Our vehicles include powered chairs, manual chairs, quad and tri-walkers. Book in advance to get service over holidays.   For more information,...

Lower Floor, Sand Street Car Park, St. Helier, Jersey, JE2 3QF

  Headway Jersey provides essential support, information and services to people in Jersey who are affected by brain injury. As the charity has grown and awareness of the work we do for those who are affected by brain injuries...

The Community Centre, La Tour Verte, Le Coie, Springfield Road, St. Saviour (JSY), Jersey, JE2 7DN

Age Concern Jersey supports and campaigns for the elderly because we believe everyone can have a great later life. We want our island to see that growing old should be celebrated. For those 55 and older, we offer many great services, like...

Windsor House, St. Helier, Jersey, JE2 4TA

Founded in 2011, the Jersey Brain Tumour Charity was previously referred to as The Sue May Brain Tumour Society. Located in Jersey, we provide help and support to brain tumour patients as well as their families and...

First Floor Office, 60 Halkett Place, St. Helier, Jersey, JE2 4WG

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