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314 results found in Jersey for shops

66 King St, St. Helier, Jersey, JE2 4WE

Les Ormes Golf Club, Mont a la Brune, St. Brelade, Jersey, JE3 8FL

Party Shop
Balloons Partyware Cards & Gifts Belgian Chocolate Fireworks

16 Les Quennevais Parade, St. Brelade, Jersey, JE3 8FX

Le Shop
Le Shop is a retail outlet that is part of Bonvin Limited located in a heart of Trinity, Jersey (La Rue Es Picot). We sell French & British groceries, household and personal hygiene products as well as local produce. You can buy here daily...

La Rue Es Picot, Trinity, Jersey, JE3 5JX

The Sofa Shop

38 Mill St., St. Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 1HW

The Accountancy Shop

Richmond House, 8 David Place, St. Helier, Jersey, JE2 4TD

The Mower Shop
Sales, spares & service of all leading makes of garden machinery. Expert sharpening of cylinder mowers, saw chains, shears, hedge-cutters & secateurs.
Accountancy Shop, The

Richmond House, 8 David Place, St. Helier, Jersey, JE2 4TD

The Curiosity Shop

Commercial Road, St. Saviour (GSY), Guernsey, GY2 4QP

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