
Fluffy Fuhka Anyone?

by Darren Dolbel 10th January 2020

Fluffy Fuhka Goats Cheese
Fluffy Fuhka - Courtesy of Jerriaise D'or Goat Farm


Described recently as “beyond delicious” by judges at the prestigious Great Taste Award tasting session and winning the Super Gold Award at the World Cheese Awards in Italy, this locally produced cheese has made quite a name for itself.  And what a name it is!


Lovingly made by the husband and wife team of John Sowerby and Angela Harvey-Jones on their St Ouen’s farm (Jerriaise D’Or Goat Farm), the cheese was said to be “very gentle” in taste and as being “a pretty little cheese that brought a smile to our faces” by the experienced judges involved.



Golden Guernsey Goat Family
Golden Guernsey Goat Family - Courtesy of Jerriaise D'or Goat Farm


John and Angela produce several other varieties of cheese from the Golden Guernsey goat herd that are reared sympathetically on their farm; the only goat farm in the Channel Islands.  Although the goats are a relatively low-yield dairy goat, the milk is creamy and of high quality and is worth all the effort.  There are now thought to be just 500 to 1000 breeding female Golden Guernsey goats in the world after they were almost wiped-out during the Second World War as they proved to be an easy source of food during those very difficult years.


Other cheeses produced on the farm include Jerriaise D’Or Rosemary,  Jerriaise D’Or Lavender and Jerriaise D’Or Honey but it’s the Fluffy Fuhka that has really got everyone excited.  Improving with age, the humorously named cheese produces a more complex and fuller flavour.


In recognition of its new-found pedigree, Fluffy Fuhka, or to give it it’s correct name of Saulire, will now carry the iconic black and gold Great Taste label as well as the much-coveted Genuine Jersey hallmark.



We are thrilled that our cheese has been recognised as one of the best cheeses in the world, remarkable really considering the competition!

Angela Harvey-Jones, joint proprietor and cheesemaker, Jerriaise D’or



While available throughout the year, the cheese does have periods out of production to allow the Goats to build up their strength for breeding. Keep an eye out for when it is available through the Jerriaise D’Or Facebook page and make sure to follow them for a great insight into the life of local goat farming and cheese making. When available, it can be purchased directly from the farm or from Relish Delicatessen, in Halkett Street, St Helier.  You know you’re getting something special when you know that Fluffy Fuhka is also to be found on the cheese trolley at the Longueville Manor Hotel.  And, of course, by buying locally you are supporting John and Angela, and other like-minded Jersey businesses, to continue with their success.

The Golden Guernsey girls and their cheeses are a real local success story.  Selected as one of the top 84 cheeses in the world and following an 18-month recipe perfection exercise, we think the team at Jerriaise D’Or Goat Farm really do have something to celebrate.



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Posted by Yabsta
10th January 2020 16:08.
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